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Heures d'ouverture/
Opening Hours:
Lun - Mon
Mar - Tues
Mercredi - Wed
Jeudi -Thur
Vend - Fri
Sam - Sat
8:00 – 17:00
8:00 – 17:00
8:00 - 17:00
8:00 – 17:00
8h00 - 12h00
9h30-17h00 pour les urgences
The office is accessible to people with reduced mobility.
Parking spaces available.
If necessary, do not hesitate to call us, we will be happy to help you.
To get an appointment, or to get any information about us, please call us at 021 635 12 28. Please note I don't answer to appointment inquiries.
You're a patient and need information, Dr Daniel Berdah will get back to you personally as soon as possible.
On Sunday call +41 22 635 12 29
Access by public transport: bus 17 or 19 from Renens station - Renens Village stop
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