Dr Daniel Berdah
Médecin de Famille
Adultes & Enfants
Attention le Dr Syarov quitte le cabinet
Chers patients, nous sommes au regret de nous annoncer que le Dr Syarov quitte le cabinet. Nous vous invitons à trouver un nouveau médecin traitant. Votre dossier vous sera remis sur simple demande. Merci de votre compréhension.
Opening hours of a doctor in Lausanne
Dr. Berdah's office in the West of Lausanne
Rue de Lausanne 53, 1020 Renens, Switzerland
Phone: +41 21 635 12 28
Open Monday to Thursday from 8am to 5pm, Friday from 8am to 12pm, and Sunday from 9:30am to 5pm
Dr. Berdah is an experienced general practitioner in the West of Lausanne who offers comprehensive healthcare for adults, children, and infants.
He is available for the following consultations:
General medical consultations
Pediatric consultations
Traumatology consultations
Sports medicine consultations
To book an appointment, you can call the office at +41 21 635 12 28.
Dr. Berdah's office is located near the Renens train station, about a 10-minute walk away.
Access by public transport: bus 17 or 19 from Renens station - Renens Village stop
Dr. Berdah is available to provide you with the care you need in case of a non-life-threatening medical emergency.
In summury:
Dr. Berdah's office is open Monday to Thursday from 8am to 5pm, Friday from 8am to 12pm, and Sunday from 9:30am to 5pm.
The office is located near the Renens train station.
Consultations are open to adults and children.